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Fossil hunting trip on Peace River Florida
fossilbabe - 1/07/2010 6:18 PM
Category: Event
Replies: 2

I’m am very excited to present my first January Peace River trip! For folks who aren’t familiar with trips that I put together, they’re 100% family friendly meaning that it’s encouraged for kids to attend.

The guided portion of the trip is $35 per person Screens and collection bags will be provided. The bag is yours to keep, the screens are $15 if you want to take it home with you.
This is a great way to teach about the wonderful world we live in, and what mother nature has provided for us to enjoy. Large shark teeth, horse teeth, sloth,beaver,mammoth teeth,shark teeth, bison,turtle,deer,camel, can all be found from the peace river. I will be there to ID your fossil finds at the end of the day.
 You can dive this site if you wish or if you have family members that are not divers great way to spend the day with the family. Kayak’,s small boats can also be used to access this location.
Time: 9 am to 12

When: Jan 16th Saturday

Place: Wauchula Florida Crews park
Crews Park Boat Ramp – At Wauchula,and US 17 take SR 64A east to boat ramp. (2 miles)

What to bring:Dive suit or clothes that you want to get wet in,Water shoes,a shovel,gloves,Dry clothes after the event,towel,drink, snacks. Hope to see everone there and please let me know if you would like to attend.
Smithsgold - 1/18/2010 3:42 PM
How’d the trip go ?????
scott - 1/03/2023 3:14 PM
Hi Deb, have you any guided tours going on around peace river?