Rich-D-Fish - 7/29/2014 11:51 AM
I was hoping you were flying on Monday. There was a chance I could dive Sunday afternoon. Depending on your flight time on Sunday you need to be careful what time you dive on Saturday. I am unfortunately out for Saturday. I might be up for a late afternoon shore dive Friday after work. But my best advice to get the most bang for your buck while you are out here would be to sign up on one of the Saturday charters heading to Catalina or the other channel islands. That way you can get at least three dives in at different sites with predictably good conditions. If you go to this site: californiadiveboats.com You will get a list of MANY boats and links to their websites. If you know where you will be staying I can further recommend my favorite boats to you. You can e-mail me direct at richard4ster@gmail.com. If a boat is not an option and you don’t mind shore diving on Saturday, I can most likely hook you up with our local group which has someone diving every weekend of the year.