Greg - 10/23/2013 1:43 PM
I made the change you suggested to #3. I also just added the cert org and type you mentioned (PFI, FII, Free/Skin Diver, Advanced Free Diver and Instructor - Free Diver). It’s a little hard to add # 1 so we’ll have to use scuba diver for now. I may add Surface Support and Free Diver to the member type list in the future. # 2 I’ll leave alone because some people may want to enter the mins they were under while free diving. # 4 is also harder to add so I may do that later.

DiveBuddy is rewarding me by giving me buddies to dive with all over the world. Plus it pays for itself a few times over :)

p.s. It may take up to 1 hour for the drop down lists to update since I cache the data on the server.