Brian_V - 9/06/2013 8:28 AM
From BubblesLeb: Whereas SSI has an 80/20 rule, which means that the instructor can tailor 80% of her/his course as per the guidelines of SSI manuals and has the ability to adapt the remaining 20% as per the conditions and circumstances.
That 20% area where the instructors gets extra latitude to ’adapt’ to what he feels is appropriate sounds good, but if an incident occurs, that’s where that instructor is going to get HAMMERED by the lawyer filing suit against him! If all your actions are based on following an established standard, when asked to explain why you did what you did in either a disclosure statement, deposition, or on the stand in a trail, you can point to that standard and say that’s why you did it! But if you don’t have that documented standard to point to, God help you, you are going to get grilled! It’s so stressful going through any of those processes even when you do have solid standards to back up your actions. Good luck trying to justify your actions when all you have to defend them is that it was it was just ’your decision’ at the moment!