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Houston Happy Hour
ScubaPunk - 6/08/2008 9:03 AM
Category: General
Replies: 2

Come out and have a coupla Margaritas at Cafe Adobe, on Westheimer and Sheppard, on Friday, June 27th. We will gather some time between 4:00 and 5:00 oclock. All are welcome.
Greg - 6/09/2008 1:09 PM
I’m not sure if I’ll be back from my CA trip or not...but if so, I’ll see if I can make it. If you want, I can send out a notice to all Texas divebuddy members about your little get together. Just let me know.
ScubaPunk - 6/09/2008 6:58 PM
That would be very cool if you would send out a notice to all the Texas members. The event is also posted on the SingleDivers board. Thanks Greg.