bubbleseeker speak for yurself! LOL #6 A lot Quieter!
Greg - 12/17/2012 8:07 AM 
How about both at the same time? :) BTW, you should have choose Survey as the category.
1) I don’t know about that, our wedding cost less than a Galapagos liveaboard
7) With the right dive buddy you can have both and I’ve heard it can be done on a dive :)
it has been done on a dive !!!!!......(see the "would you dive naked?" poll question)
Haha.. Ya’ll are crazy! I love our DiveBuddy members!
From tardmaster: it has been done on a dive !!!!!......(see the "would you dive naked?" poll question)... Apparently there was a story on it in Dive Girl magazine, a woman on D2D said her and her husband used a pool, one tank and two long hoses (DIR?) on the 1st stage. I’m not sure that’s what GUE/PADI intended with shared breathing :)
What about fornicating while diving and becoming a member of the ten meters down club?
Because off-gassing just really isn’t appropriate...
We’ve joined the 10 meter club, but its better during your surface interval ;)
isn’t that what safety stops are really for?