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Dutch Springs New Years Eve Day Dive
MDiver429 - 12/25/2010 11:18 AM
Category: Event
Replies: 4

Anyone going New Years Eve during the day to the dive at Dutch Springs? I will be there but have no buddy! Anyone wanna meet up there!?
seawolfdiving - 12/27/2010 11:42 AM

I don’t know about Dutch, but I think that Lancaster Scuba Center is having a New Years Day "Chili" dive at Bainbridge. They do it every year. I’m sure there will be plenty of divers to buddy up with. You will have to contact them to find out the details.

 Lancaster Scuba Center
201 Greenfield Road
Lancaster, PA 17601

They also have a FaceBook page.

piper460 - 12/27/2010 10:07 PM
hey im game! think i could do it with a semidry?
LatitudeAdjustment - 12/28/2010 8:16 AM

From piper460: hey im game! think i could do it with a semidry?

Hey New Years Eve it’s going to be twice as warm as today so a 3 mil should be enough :)
seawolfdiving - 12/28/2010 10:49 AM
Don’t think of it as cold, Think of it as "invigorating..."