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Thieving Goliath Grouper
aarontonry - 9/14/2010 9:38 AM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 10

I was diving St.Pete Reef Sunday and shot a few Hog Fish. I was swimming to toward the rear of the barge when I felt something trying to tear the fish from my stringer! Initially I was a little freaked out but not really,if that makes sense. All I could think of doing was to punch the big guy! After punching him several times he finally got the point, he was not going to get my fish! lol So I kept kicking toward the front of the barge and he followed not far behind me. I turned around to confront him, thinking I could get him to swim away,but he just stared at me with the saddest look on his face! Well maybe he wasn’t sad,maybe I just felt bad for punching him. So I got the Hog Fish off of the stringer and watched him eat it! This was my first open water dive in the ocean. I have skin dived all my life and never had a problem with the "Big Guys". My girlfriend was on the boat and she was freaked out and scared just because I was scuba diving for the first time. I haven’t told her about this because she would likely have a panic attack lol not really but she is afraid and not wanting me to dive,thinking I am just going to float away or be eaten by a shark. That is another thing I didn’t mention to her,there was a 7’ shark swimming around the reef,got a little too close to me so I poked him with my gun. Didn’t have any problems out of him. My question to you is,’’Are you always having to fend off other predators from getting you’re fish? Are Goliath Grouper usually a problem?
I had the time of my life and there was allot that happened when I was down there that I believe other divers would have freaked out about. I had one guy drop his anchor on me, I was tangled in his anchor rope at the same time I was tangled in a bunch of 80lb fishing line. I couldnt kick because the fishing line was wrapped around my fins and my mask. If I moved the wrong way it would pull my mask off. So I was trying to deal with that wile some jerk dropped his anchor on me!! The anchor was wrapped around my first stage and pulling on my second stage! When I think back on this, I am proud of how calm I stayed and how I handled the situation. Tho I was seriously pissed off when I surfaced and that boat was minus an anchor,I was ok and thats all that matters right?!!
Greg - 9/14/2010 5:10 PM
Couple things...first off, great forum topic! I can’t believe you started punching the fish! I laughed out loud after reading that. "That poor fish" :)

I have heard of lots of issues with bigger fish eating a diver’s catch. My philosophy is...if the fish is bigger than me OR has more teeth than I do, it can have my catch.

And regarding the anchor line...I would have gotten out my dive knife and cut it. I hate when other boats don’t respect the diver down flag.

Congrats on your first open water dive, sounds like you had fun!
aarontonry - 9/14/2010 5:44 PM
LOL Yeah I did cut his anchor line!!! I was pretty disappointed that people have no respect for the flag! I have always stayed clear of the diver down flag! I was just in shock to see the amount of people that would just run there boat directly over me!! I think that was the scariest part of my day. I was watching the boats speeding directly over me!! Please people, when you see this flag,obey the law and keep 100 yards from that flag!
tshark - 9/15/2010 5:47 PM
It sounds like you had an educational dive & dont loose any sleep over that anchor. Never let your guard down once you have fish on the stringer it stays in your hand not attached to you that way if you have to ditch it you can. If it is attached to you & they take it & drag you into a wreck or something you hit your head your done! Stay safe & keep learning 
aarontonry - 9/15/2010 8:33 PM
Thank you! That is very good info. I will deff remember that next time. Not going to lose any sleep over it but he will..he lost a very nice danforth aluminum anchor And I will have a new one next sunday when I dive down there and get it.. Nice clean cut anchor line...he knows I cut it lol
tshark - 9/16/2010 9:26 AM
Just for the record unless your life is at steak dont give up your catch those fish & sharks are smarter than you think like dolphins they learn how to get a free meal! Please dont encourage this! It just makes it more dangerous for others that dive there later & it could be you! They are looking for a free meal & do not want to fight for it thump them with your gun they will go away & leave you alone! if they dont give them a little more incentive to let them know you mean bussiness! otherwise attach you stringer to your lift bag or safety sausage & send it to the surface! or you can tuck it under a ledge & get it later. Good Luck & Safe Diving
johng - 9/16/2010 11:13 AM

If I were Dan Mcmahon I would be offended the you are using that avatar.

That was quite an accomplishment and it looks like you are trying to take credit for it.
Tiara_270 - 9/16/2010 11:35 AM
Glad you did not lose you cool! Don’t give up your fish, this only teaches them sharks and groupers that divers have a free meal for them! Don’t attach your fish stringer to you . Also it is the law to stay away from divers with thier dive flag up, I know a guy who lost his legs and almost his life to a boat prop! Next time if you can get the FL numbers call the FWC / Coast Guard and turn him/her in.
SaintsReturn - 9/20/2010 1:20 PM
it sounds like it was all covered pretty well. good job keeping cool. If your going to keep spearfishing, it is always a good idea to have a spotter diving with you and rotating off who is shooting to avoid these kinds of mishaps. its already been said, but i will say it anyway, never attach your catch to you. I used to use a line connected to a quick release on my BC so i could maintain both hands free but ditch in a hurry if needed withouth the risk of it getting tangled. Good luck
Magnolia - 9/22/2010 8:16 PM
What Tiara said... further the USCG gets real testy about such things. As when there is an ’accident’ they too get to ’investigate’.
If the boat is longer than 40 ft, they may or may not have a state registration on them. IF not, they are federally documented and fall under the jurisdiction of the USCG. Please turn them in.
Power boats are especially bad about not paying attention and not having manners, if such exists with such people at times.

Good on you for cutting that anchor and keeping your cool.

Had a friend get crab traps dumped on him in the the Keys in 2004. No injury, but it was kinda strange.
dm159988 - 8/10/2012 5:23 PM
I my self do not use a stringer I use a goodie bag they know something is there just not where it is and as for the boat anchor next time wrap the line around the barge this way they spen a hole lot of time and energy trying to unhook it or you should have brought it up with you and asked if they wanted to buy an anchor and i to came face to face with a jew fish/golith but cause i had the bag he did not know where to get the fish and he fallowed me every where i went on that dive . well good luck in diving and spearfishing