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Dive Buddy needed for June 20th in Cape Ann MA
DryDiver - 6/12/2009 5:13 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Dive Buddy Needed...Cape Ann, MA
I am looking for a buddy to go diving out of Cape Ann on Sat the 20th. It doesnt really matter to me where we go or even what time. I just need to get in the water. If you are interested shoot me a pm or give me a call. It can be a shore dive or boat dive. I have a boat.



divemaiden - 6/12/2009 5:31 PM

Does it have to be Cape Ann? My dive club is planning a club dive to Nubble Light on the 20th. You’d be welcome to join our group. We’re supposed to be carpooling/caravaning up from Connecticut, but details about times and meeting places haven’t been sent out yet.

If you’re interested, once I find out what time we’re supposed to get there, I could let you know and you could meet us.
ScubaSteve63 - 6/15/2009 9:10 PM

i’ll be diving Lane’s Cove this Wednesday morning.

i’d like to get out on Saturday but right now it’s iffy.


are you planning on being in the area anyway?

DryDiver - 6/15/2009 9:19 PM
I will probably not go if I can not find a buddy but you can let me know on Friday last minute if you would like to go. PM me and I will shoot you my phone number.


ScubaSteve63 - 6/15/2009 9:21 PM
i was just thinking that you could prolly just show up at Lane’s and pair up with whoever was there. there’s always at least a few groups headinig out.