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Revision 8/21/2009 7:17 PM
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Morro Rock South - Morro Bay CA

If the conditions are not good at Morro Rock North, they’ll be good here. This is a relatively easy site to dive, but is a little less interesting than what you’d find on the other side of the rock. You will find kelp beds to explore, and various creatures-of-the-san Found in Morro Bay just 12 miles North of San Louis Obispo on Highway 1. Take the Morro Bay Blvd exit to the West; turn right on Main Street; Left on Harbor Street; right on Front Street to parallel the bay; merge onto Embarcadero; then merge onto Coleman Drive, and continue around the bay. If you get lost, just drive toward the big rock you can’t miss it! Follow the instructions for Morro Rock North, but continue driving on the road on the South side of the Rock.
Very nice and easy dive for all levels. Sandy bottom with abundance of star fish, silver dollars, sea grass and kelp. Good visibility before tide comes in, better as you get deeper. Total depth about 35 feet, but if you are this deep you are in the channel. Watch for larger boats using the channel to dock and to turn around. Excellent for beginners and novices alike.
When I dove here the vis was 15f which is rare for this dive spot. We saw lots of large surf perch along the jetty, a large spider crab, a small lingcod, and lots of crabs. Overall, this isn’t a great dive spot and I don’t know why it’s a favorite among the local divers. Probably because if you catch it on an incoming high tide the vis will usually be promising enough to dive. It is any easy spot for night diving. The bottom is all mud. Watch out for boat traffic!