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Revision 7/13/2008 10:01 AM
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Called this way due to its various names which derived in a hodgepodge, finally solved by naming it Confusion. The base of the buoy lies at 60 ft, located 10 meters from a steep slope that runs toward the south. One arrives to 130 ft depth, though the slope goes much deeper. Coral, octocorals, sponges. The steep slope leads to a less pronounced one, with a shingle reef. One arrives at a point at 80 – 90 ft, an eye catching projection over the blue abyss. Very abundant life: sponges, elephant ear corals, fish. It contains a very interesting crevice. You ascend along a route which outlines the point and carries you to the base of a promontory by whose mini wall the ascent leads to a beautiful terrace at 40 ft.


So called because of its location with respect to the house of Dr. Conolly, one of the first medical doctors on the islands. One moors to the buoy, after a 10 min boat ride, and descends bordering the wall until 60 ft; the wall plunges down further than the limit of recreational diving. The wall is deeply hollowed out by a very beautiful cave which begins at 100 ft and descends to 130 ft; it is narrow and irregular and can be observed from outside or partially explored. One follows the wall which gives way to a steep slope, with shingle reef and elephant ear corals, tube, pillar and barrel sponges. Afterwards, one arrives at the promontory and mini wall of Confusion which climbs from 60 to 40 ft and one ascends to the surface.


The route follows border of a flat platform between 50 and 90 ft to a steep slope, almost like a cliff face, to more than 150 ft. The platform and incline are densely covered by corals, which very large sponges and abundant fish. The edge arrives at a rocky point which marks the entrance to a small gorge of great beauty that descends to 120 ft like an excavated stairwell in the rock and which ends in a cave. The rocky point is bordered towards the end of the tour, before returning to the higher platform and the boat. It is recommended to invert the route beginning in the cave. Peaceful and save dive, 35 min immersion, with 500 psi in reserve and safety stop.