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Revision 7/25/2012 12:15 PM
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South Ari Atoll - Maldives

A drop off that plummets 1000’s of meters down into the Indian Ocean. Because of the location, tides and water temperatures, this area has massive upwellings that bring Whale Sharks and Giant Manta Ray to the area. Best time of year for sighting is August - September, however can be seen all year.

Take care if Scuba diving as it is open ocean and VERY remote. No bottom and can have high boat traffic because of the popular sightings. Well worth a trip on the last day in the Maldives as the Whale Sharks and Manta’s can be seen from the boat and its easier to jump in with a snorkel rather than kitting up for a dive. Great as an off-gassing day before flying home since there is nothing else to do in the Maldives :oD