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Revision 2/28/2018 9:37 AM by IDC
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France Park - Logansport IN

Many SCUBA divers use the Old Kenith Stone Quarry for this exciting recreational pursuit because of the many features to explore. Diving in the clear water of an old stone quarry allows SCUBA divers to easily view the obstacles within -both natural and man made. Years ago, divers have placed things at the bottom of the quarry to enjoy & explore - things like an 1940’s school bus, an old pick-up truck, a culvert, a communication station, two boats, snow mobil, three training platforms, and a fish habitat. In addition, there are still some remains from the quarry operations.

One of the most spectacular sites seen by SCUBA divers at France Park is the Spoonbill Sturgeon, also known as the paddlefish (polyodon spathula).The Spoonbill is distinguished by its elongated, paddle-shaped snout. This unusual fish can reach up to 6 feet in length and 200 pounds in weight. Many SCUBA divers have reported that the Spoonbill is docile and approachable.