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Revision 6/19/2013 12:22 PM by badintexas
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Maaya Thila - Maldives

30-40m sandy bottom and a flat pinnacle with a diameter of approximately 80m that sits about 8m below the surface. Voted as Maldives best dive site and is also an MPA by the Maldivian Government. We dropped down to explore the walls of the pinnacle before settling on the top of the rock to watch the action of 50-60 white and grey reef sharks in a night time feeding frenzy, plus many big turtles and big rays feeding.

Site is in open ocean and has very strong currents, hence the high level of action. Dive the wall which is sheltered and when you feel the drag towards the end, move up to the top plate, use a reef hook, hook on tightly and enjoy the show! My best dive EVER to date!

Hazards to look out for: Stonefish, Lionfish, Scorpion Fish

The Maldives’ incredible cluster of 1,192 paradise islands offers some serious diving opportunities. A good place to start is our favorite Maaya Thila dubbed the "White Tip Reef Shark Capital of the Maldives." Its diverse range of tropical fish include angel, butterfly, clown, parrot and trigger fish, plus captivating schools of the perfectly formed moorish idol. You’ll need multiple dives to take it all in.