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Revision 6/21/2012 3:50 PM
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BONE WRECK - Remedios Pascual - Barnegat Inlet NJ

The Remedios Pascual was built by J. Urquhart, Barton of Nova Scotia in 1885. She was originally named the Stalwart, was 216 feet long, had a 40 foot beam and displaced 1,605gross tons. On October 18, 1902,the schooner, under the command of Captain Tablo Ganto, left Buenos Aires en-route for New York, transporting a cargo of animal bones to a fertilizer factory. The journey should have taken approximately 50 days but due to alternating light winds and heavy storms, the journey took longer. On January 3, 1903,the Pascual entered thick fog. Before long she was aground on Ship Bottom Bars. Keeper Truex of Lifesaving Station #20 spotted the vessel in distress and summoned his crew to render assistance. The lifesavers on the beach fired two lines over the stranded ship, but the sailors on the Pascual were too frightened and did not haul the breeches buoy tackle aboard. The life savers then launched a lifeboat through the heavy surf. Four trips later, all aboard were landed safely on the beach. A few days latter the steamer North America off loaded some of her cargo in an effort to lighten the vessel, so she could be pulled out into deeper water. Unfortunately, by this time the Pascual’s hull was filled with water and could not be pulled off the bar. This wreck is better known as the Bone Wreck and is also sometimes called the Surf City Wreck. She sits in 20 to 30 feet of water 200 yards off the beach in Ship Bottom. Much of her cargo which includes the many animal bones she was transporting can be seen scattered around the wreck. According to diver George Dreher, the law states that diving is only permitted when no lifeguards are on duty. Diving this site is best when done by boat.