Not much probably, other than some basic facts of his achievements as one of the most, if not the most prominent and illustrious shark science pioneer he has been during the last half century.
The "Doc" is now retired, a professor emeritus of the University of Miami, but he is still going strong, academically and otherwise, continuing his research with graduate students in his Shark Lab in Bimini. He does his job energetically and with all the enthusiasm of a curious and adventurous youngster. Folks like him age as everybody else does, all right, but they never grow old...
The "Doc" in his early twenties (1963) - with looks like that he could have also become a dashing movie star back then... Do I exaggerate, ladies?... :-) :-)
Same "Doc" - fifty years later...
I have the privilege to know "Doc" Gruber (I call him "Docman"; he calls me "Wolfman") as a friend, and we are drawn to each other mainly by our love of sharks and old WWII airplanes, which he, lucky Doc-Duck, actually flies as some sort of a co-pilot every now and then.
Not exactly a rather common hobby for a retired university professor, huh?
As stated in the title of this blog, I didn’t really know that much about his background as a distinguished marine biologist myself - until now, that is.
Now, shark ethologist and conservationist Ila France-Porcher has published Part 1 of an in-depth biography of "Doc" Gruber in the latest issue of the X-Ray Magazine of which she is a regular contributing editor in shark related matters.
This on-line dive magazine has been ranked best in the world ("The best ranked scuba publication in the world on Alexa.com since 2009 - Winner of the MTA Press Awards 2011"). Ila’s article will most certainly captivate all those who know the "Doc" or heard about him - a very large international fan club, no question about it.
Just as one would expect from Ila as a multi-talented editor and accomplished book author, she has produced a beautifully written and extremely well-founded story of Doc’s life as a professional. Here it is, enjoy the read:
xray-mag.com/pdfs/articles/SharkTales_IlaFrancePorcher_64_locked.pdfPart 2 and possibly Part 3 of Ila’s article will appear in the next two issues of the magazine.