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Google Earth has added the Ocean!
Greg - 2/02/2009 5:03 PM
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Category: Press Release
Comments: 1
Google Earth has added the Ocean!From:

"Didn’t Google Earth always have an ocean? Technically, yes, well, sort of. We have always had a big blue expanse and some low-resolution shading to suggest depth. But starting today we have a much more detailed bathymetric map (the ocean floor), so you can actually drop below the surface and explore the nooks and crannies of the seafloor in 3D. While you’re there you can explore thousands of data points including videos and images of ocean life, details on the best surf spots, logs of real ocean expeditions, and much more."

This will eventually add a whole new dimension to the dive site section on! I’m looking forward to working with the data once they release it to 3rd party websites.

If you have Google Earth, check out the new ocean and let me know what you think of it.


Greg Davis


Fritz - 2/11/2009 9:56 PM
The only thing I want to see under the sea is the shipwrecks and I cannot find them with Google Earth.
Maybe that’s not what their intent was.