When we decide to spend our hard-earned money on a product there are typically two choices to consider. Do I buy the most affordable product in the line to save a little money, or do I go for the best possible quality product to ensure that it will last a lifetime.
It’s a classic question, and with so many gear choices in front of us as spearos it can be an infinitely difficult decision to make if you don’t have the decades of experience with the many product lines and to top it all off, the savings can be substantial in the event that you were to purchase the most affordable gun in a line.
Questions arise like “Will more money give me better quality?”, “Are the expensive ones overpriced to begin with” and “Will I just end up buying a new gun in a year if I go cheap?”.
All things to consider, but with so many options and subtleties within the speargun brands it can be close to impossible for one person to become well-enough equipped with information to make an educated decision. That’s where you come in.
We Need Your Help
What’s your take on this? Think back to your last purchase and what went through your head when you were standing in these shoes. Please comment below with your thoughts.
Maybe you were upgrading from your old beat up gun to the tuna crushing wooden gun that you have or maybe you are a one gun owner who researched for weeks to find the perfect one. Either way, we want to hear why you made the decision that you did.
Ask The Readers: Spearguns – Do I Go Cheap, Or Spend The Money? is a post from: The Spearfishing Academy