Lori Harrellson - scubagalhottie
Saint Peters MO
62 years old
Joined On: 11/24/2007
Last Login: 5/31/2013
Experience: Advanced
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Only drink
Relationship: Married
Children At Home: Yes
Company: Y-Kiki Divers
Hi all! I mostly dive local quarrys (Mermet Springs, IL and I`ve also been to Pennyroyal, KY.) Have also dove Bull shoals Lake and Lake Ouicita both in Arkansas. My saltwater dives have been limited to Hawiaii, Panama City beach FL and Blackbeards livaboard in the Bahamas. My main dive buddy is my husband Robb of 28 yrs. Its all his fault now that I got hooked!! He is on the site too member name Stitches. Anyone diving in the midwest should really check out Mermet Springs Quarry. Its close to Metropolis IL. (Superman)