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Eric from Lebanon OR | Scuba Diver

Spent lots of time in the water during my stint in the USN. Went through the civilian certification process with SSI in 2006. Did my open water cert dives in Monterey, CA then immediately headed to Cozumel for some much warmer advanced and specialty training. Officially certified in what I checked - but have done it all at one time or another. Pics taken with a variety of Canon pieces. Recently moved to a G12. In the process of completing my SSI Dive Control Specialist (DiveCon) training to take things to the next level.

Moved up to a 58 acre farm in Oregon in October ’10. Now that I’m settled I need to hook up with some Oregon divers who are willing to show me what the state’s waters have to offer.

Heading out through the US Southwest (NV, AZ, NM, TX) to dive springs and fresh water lakes in March. Making sure to stop at the Blue Hole in New Mexico. Will post pics on my return.

Looking forward to it.