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Eric from Hollister CA | Scuba Diver

Hi! I’m a novice diver with all my own equipment for local diving. Looking for a buddy to go increase my experience in local waters and get more dives under my belt. I generally have Thursdays available, but with planning can work a Wednesday or Friday.

I just finished my certification in September 2018 and have only had the opportunity to dive a few times since. Looking forward to meeting up and checking out more local sites.

Update, I just finished a great trip to the Channel Islands and completed my Advanced Open Water certification!


OWDiver - 10/01/2019 5:41 PM

Are you still interested in meeting up to dive? I will be in California until mid-December and would love to meet up fairly regularly to dive. Maybe we can make Thursdays work?

I have all of my own gear as well and would love to get in the water around the Monterey Peninsula. After 2:30pm works well for me, as do the mornings until 11:30am. My wife has one class remaining for her Master’s from 1-2pm, and we have a couple toddlers, otherwise I am pretty flexible.