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David from Natchitoches LA | Scuba Diver

Good Day/Evening!
I’m David Kingsley. I am a Surface Supplied Air/Mixed Gas Commercial Diver and recreational SCUBA enthusiast. I always LOVED water and the majestic things about it and never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would become a multi-certified diver. I have always wanted to SCUBA dive, so that’s not surprising, but making a career out of diving...that surprised me! I first wanted to be a Professional Airline Pilot...I washed out of school because of the lack of funds...I was in the army for 2 Years. Became a truck driver after that for 5 years, and now...I’m here a SS-A/MG-Commercial Diver.

SCUBA Certs:
SSI: SSI Open Water Instructor

I enjoy the depths very much. I am currently looking for a dive buddy to go diving on the weekends. I run Pressure Junkies Scuba which is a dive group. We offer trips, events and will soon offer classes. On air, I can dive to at least 165 without suffering of N2 Narcosis. I prefer to stay within the No-D limits. My dive buddy can be male or female. It makes no difference to me. Experience preferred, but novice will do.

Cheers, and happy diving!