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Jason from Vevay IN | Scuba Diver

Got my open water thou PADI in ’86 while living in Ft. Lauderdale. Most of my diving was between Boca and Key West mainly around Hillsboro and Key Biscayne. After moving back north my diving has been limited to vacations around the Caribbean and Mexico. Recently took my daughter through an SSI open water course and got re-certified myself. I would like to check out some of the quarries and springs within a days drive of here or make runs down to Spring country in west central Florida for some cavern diving. Just got back from Dunellon and checked out Crystal River, Ginnie Springs, Rainbow River and Devil’s Den. Amazing diving, endless visibility and thousands of springs to choose from. I plan to do a lot of diving this Spring and Summer so give me a shout if you are down for it.