Sharon Wilkerson - Sharon1221
Brandon FL
65 years old
Joined On: 2/22/2013
Last Login: 9/05/2022
Experience: Novice
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Don't smoke or drink
Relationship: Divorced
Children At Home: No
Advanced Open Water (PADI)
Looking for dive buddies. The people I have been diving with the past few years don’t go very often anymore - for a variety of reasons. Nitrox certified Jan 2013. I would love to dive just about any time. I work M-F, but if I have a couple of days notice, I can usually arrange time off from work. For a weekend trip to the coast or The Keys, I need a few days notice to arrange vacation time and a pet sitter for my dog.
FYI: I am a weak swimmer and I prefer to take my time and look at marine life. Not in a big hurry.
Let’s go diving - as long as the water is warms - at least 75 or so on the bottom.
Send me a friend request on Facebook or my personal e-mail is sharon1221@hotmail.com