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sebastien from Fort Myers FL | Scuba Diver


My name is sebastien,I’am french 37. I just finished my open water certification and nitrox.
I’am back at diving .I dove in france in the mediterraneen see about 10 to 15 times but
never got certified. Deepest dive 120 feet (40 meters) did not stay long about 5 minutes I dove with
air at that time.

Thus now I would like to know if you are interested diving with me.New guy around with a bit experience in diving
but need to learn a lot more.

I live in fort myers west coast thus a long drive for me for the east coast or the key. I do not know
any diving spot here thus can become your buddy and you can show me around.

Best day for me to dive mondays, tuesdays, sometimes thursdays. Saturdays or sundays would have to ask to the boss
once in a while possible.

Will dive just to chek out place and fish and underwater photography eventually when I get a camera.

Thank you have a nice day

Happy diving