Shark Dive Fiji
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Category: Sharks
Comments: 5
Shark Dive Fiji


Scuba-Smurf - 11/04/2012 9:25 AM
Is that a Bull Shark? He looks pretty meaty!
B_Ward_NYC - 11/04/2012 10:36 AM
YES!! Lots of HUGE Bull Sharks on that dive
Scuba-Smurf - 11/05/2012 9:46 AM
Cool!!! You’re brave! I’m guessing you didn’t have a long lens on that camera so you must have been pretty close! Gulp!
B_Ward_NYC - 11/05/2012 9:54 AM
VERY close!! Shark dive in Fiji
Scuba-Smurf - 11/05/2012 10:02 AM
Sounds like a great trip! I have a friend out there working in a dive centre, but haven’t managed to get there yet. Lucky you :oD