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Profile Comments > Raven
UWnewbee - 8/13/2010 8:11 AM
dalehall - 11/06/2009 8:36 AM
Hey Susanne..
Thanks for the add!! Happy diving..
scubaman - 3/04/2009 7:58 AM

Oh! I forgot...............



Nitrox32Rocks - 1/31/2009 5:03 AM
RLeon - 9/04/2008 1:27 AM

Try this one! HAVE A LITTLE FUN
Have you ever given thought as to what kind of car you might be if you were a car? Me either, but a friend sent this link to me with the model of car she is. I decided to check it out and took this quick twelve question test. You will find what type car you are.

jeff98208 - 8/24/2008 3:32 PM
well if you find yourself diving in the puget sound in washington, look me up. and i’ll give you a tour in the north end of the sound, the night dives here are a blast. safe diving!
RLeon - 8/18/2008 8:19 PM

My dear Raven the REAL humor lies in the fact that I know nothing about computers or web sites.... I’m sure that as far as careers goes - you are where you should be at this point in time. Good to talk with you my friend:

RLeon - 8/18/2008 3:39 PM
Raven I think you are trying to put your pirate name on your site... If I may be of some help I think you placed your code on the Design tab if so try hilighting that code and cutting it out then click the HTML tab insert a space after your Bio Info and then paste the code onto that tab... it should work ... don’t forget to refresh the page to get it to show....
emtgirl86 - 8/17/2008 3:29 PM
Yeah, that would be great! I’ll take a look at my schedule and let you know. You can call me if you like. My number is 462-0208.
emtgirl86 - 8/17/2008 12:12 PM
Welcome to DB! If you want to go dive sometime, let me know. I am up for one just about anytime.
Q8Diver - 8/17/2008 10:47 AM
Helloo from Kuwait...and welcome to DiveBuddy........Q8diver
RLeon - 8/15/2008 12:30 PM

Hi Raven, I know nothing about cold water diving. I have never been in any water with a temp of less than 70f. but I can tell you for a fact that warm water diving is relaxed and on the most part gorgeous. Welcome to DB Raven,
