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Profile Comments > ClintonG
ScubaEm - 7/05/2009 10:46 PM

Costa Rca, Cozumel, Jamaica, and Grand Caymen. You have been to a lot more places than me lol. I need to go backpack across europe or something or go be a beach bum in Austraila or truk lagoon. lol ok I added you on fb. lol ttyl!! 
ScubaEm - 7/05/2009 9:19 PM

Ha ha you and me both, that is one of things I want to do too is travel the world. What countries have you been too? Well at least you can go hiking over there, it must be beautiful!! Yea take some pics for me and I will talk to you in a week or so. Who am I going to talk to on here lol?!!! dive safe =)
ScubaEm - 7/05/2009 12:58 PM

Ha ha yes that is one of the perks of being DD lol. I love watching drunk people lol. learning how to sail is my #1 thing to do, but when I wrote my list it was more on what came to mind rather than importance lol. Maybe I should do that.. the only thing is I want to do them all first!! I guess living by the ocean is really imprtant to me right now, since I am land locked right now lol. What is your number one? Have fun!!!
ScubaEm - 7/05/2009 12:03 PM

Eweee that is weird. lol. What kind of tats do you have? Sailors are suppose to have tats!!! Thats cool about the Army, if you get into the Rangers are you going to try for the combat dive team? Yea my fourth was really fun. It was nice to see family and little cousins lol. How was your party? I have always wanted to go sky diving!! Its on my life to-do list. I actually just had a old roomie go, I should call her and see how she liked it. Have you ever been? Well, I think you are leaving for you wonderful Bahamas trip today, so have fun and I am totally jealous!!

ScubaEm - 7/03/2009 11:50 PM
lol,parties are good. My parents are having a party tomorrow so it should be fun. I think its going to just be the relatives though and maybe a few friends. its kind of a welcome home party for my little bro (he goes to Cal maritime and was on a cruise for three months), and my older bro and my graduation party too lol. Yea, the same here, I talked to one other guy on here who wanted to know about Monterey diving too lol, but thats about it, definitely not a facebook or myspace lol. Why didn’t you go Navy next? lol. Thats cool that the Army has some diving involved too , I didn’t know that. Have a good fourth!!
ScubaEm - 7/03/2009 11:08 AM
He he it didnt like how long it was lol.

you spend like six months on and the six months off, your always traveling and trying to find jobs to do. As a woman not only do I have to worry about those aspects, but most of the guys I work with are going sailors. I would always have to watch my back kind of thing and i am not conceited , its just that guys are guys lol. It would be easier for a guy to do than a woman. However, it would be a pretty cool job lol. If I had a spouse or bf that did it, I think it would be awesome, but I think it would be just as hard as if he was deployed somewhere. What do you think? what are you doing for the fourth?
ScubaEm - 7/03/2009 11:04 AM

Spelunking!!! lol. I want to go! lol. When I was taking a couple of mesoamerica arch class I did a presentation on the Cenotes at Chichen Itza. Some of the pictures I found were amazing and made me want to go.Lol the maya would use them as sacrafice areas so there are tons of artifacts and cool stuff down there. Thats a cool degree! So, if you don’t do commerical diving school, what will you do? Yea, having a spouse in the Army would be hard for any marriage. Thats why I kind of thought the Coasties would be a little easier for me to find someone lol, since most of the time I would be stationed in the U.S. However, guys still seem to be intimidated by the fact I am trying to go in. So oh well, I can’t do much about that lol. I am not sure what you meant by "are with someone that would make commerical diving hard?" Nooo, I am not. I have a couple of guy buddies that are and they like it. I guess what I meant is commercial diving hard on your body, you spend like six months o
ScubaEm - 7/02/2009 5:25 PM
 Ha ha thanks lol. Wow that sounds pretty intense, but you will do good with that kind of atitude.Cali or Florida would be nice. Yes!! of course I have thought about Commerical diving, but it would be a really hard life for a young woman to do and live lol. Unless you planned on never marrying or something lol. Soo what will you get your BS in?
ScubaEm - 7/02/2009 11:23 AM

Ha ha ha "coolest person" lol, thank you! At least you don’t think I am a weird girl or anything. I am not really expert, I ahve to go to grad school to become a Nautical arch person. That won’t be for a while though, I am a little sick of school at the moment. Yes, I would want to be a treasure hunter lol, but shhhhhhhh.. that is a big No No in archaeology. We had many discussions in arch. classes about it . One day though maybe, I can be a beach bum and discover lost wrecks or even have my own salvage. there is actually a maritime salvage school in North Carolina or somewhere over there, that I have been checking out, but who knws. Wow!! That is pretty impressive too. Good luck with Ranger/ airborne school! You can do it!! Are you nervous? What kind of training are you doing for that?
ScubaEm - 7/01/2009 9:01 PM
Well.. my degree really has nothing to do with the Coast Guard. Its archaeology. I am really interested in nautical arcaheology,especially viking ships lol. So it fits in with that dream. Wow your job sounds pretty exciting. Good luck with your Ranger training, thats like the Army’s verison of the Navy seals right? When do you start that? Yea, diving is very addicting lol. Its so much fun and exciting that it is hard to live with out it once you have done it. especially since you can pretty much go anywhere in the world and dive. The rescue class is very fun, but intense. I think you will probably like it though lol.
ScubaEm - 7/01/2009 11:07 AM
Hmmm well I do a lot of different stuff lol. The scuba shop in actual inside a sports store called Sport Chalet, so along with being a scuba shop we also do different retail stuff too. I guess an average day would consist of cleaning gear, doing repairs and visuals on tanks,selling scuba gear and classes, renting gear out and filling tanks etc... its pretty fun, a little slow at times, but its ok. I am trying to crossover from a NAUI divemaster to PADI so I can start helping out with classes. What certifications do you have? Your job sounds pretty cool, what do you do? Yea, I have a couple friends in the Army and they like it too, well besides the deployment part. Thanks for serving!! I have wanted to go in since high school, but friends kept telling me to wait until after college to become an officer, but if I don’t get into OCS I might just go enlisted anyways. lol
ScubaEm - 6/30/2009 10:28 AM

Ha ha , I don’t know..... The recruiter I have been working with keeps on telling me "if "I get in lol and that it is really competitive... So we will see. I just got my transcripts so I need to finish up my essay and resume this week. Any advice? I want to do Operations afloat and maybe if a position opens up on their dive team to apply and try out for that. Did you go in right out of high school? How do you like the Army? Hey that is cool, an underwater resturant!That sounds like it could be my favorite place to eat lol. jk. In Tahoe there is suppose to be an underwater museum.... I think, at least I have heard about it lol. Yes it was nice to be back in the Kelp forest and salt water lol.The vis wasn’t the greatest, but it was still pretty. Awww, I am sorry, mud puddles are no fun!!! lol. at least you get to see your family and soon enough you will be back diving on your shipwrecks.
ScubaEm - 6/29/2009 12:44 AM

Yea, its going to be hard to get in, but I am almost done with my packet. How long have you been in the Army? Four years goes by fast, I hope you get into OCS. What do you do in the Army? That will be cool if you get to go to BC, I love scuba because you can go anywhere and see cool shit and it always seems like you experience something new and exciting. The antarctic would be really cold, but it would be well worth it. So I got to go back to Monterey this weekend and OMG !! The vis wasnt all that good, but I am just glad I got to play in some kelp and see some fish lol. I am seriously not diving in anymore lakes lol.Unless of course it is to dive master for a class, but still they should be going to the ocean and not a mud puddle. lol
ScubaEm - 6/26/2009 6:08 PM
Ha ha I lived in Monterey for two years finishing up school. I miss it sooooooo much. I am having serious ocean So now I am back at the parents house in the Sacramento valley trying to get into the Coast Guard’s OCS program and working at a scuba shop lol. I love seals!! They are great when they play with you lol. Yea lake diving is not the greatest, but it is still diving. I have been diving up in Tahoe ( a really well known alititude lake around here that is next to Reno), before and the vis there was in the 80’s, but there was not much too see besides sand and rocks. Cave diving... I would definitely try it, I think it would be awesome to go down to Mexico and go diving in the Cenotes there. where would you want to go cave diving at? I would be a little nervous though too. Would you do ice diving? I want to try it. This might seem crazy, but I want to go diving in up BC or down in Antarctica lol.
ScubaEm - 6/25/2009 11:30 AM
Ha ha I love the video!!! It looks so awesome!! There are a number of dive sites in Monterey that look like that. I so need to go down there. This weekend I get to go back to Monterey for the weekend !1 I am so excited to actually see kelp and fish. I went to lake last week and OMG I almost died from boredom. I need to find that town lol. Anyways, yes you do need to come back!! Oh and I like your fins! I have the same ones lol.
ScubaEm - 6/23/2009 10:29 AM
Lol, I think you will like the Bahamas just as much. Cali is nice, you should come back and dive Monterey its like So Cal, but a little colder lol. Thats cool that you have been wreck diving, I have always wanted to go. In Monterey we have a little sail boat, but that is about it and the lake I live by now has a town that is under it, which I still need to find lol. I have never dove the Yukon, but I have seen pics of it and maps. It is suppose to be an awesome dive from what I hear. I think its depth ranges from like 80 at the bow to about 120 at the stern. I am not sure on that though. I cant wait to see those pics!! Have fun!!
ScubaEm - 6/21/2009 12:18 AM

Nice!! I am glad you are enjoying it. I have been surrounded by schools of sea bass before and it is a totally awesome experience. Oh wreck diving would be awesome! I have a Navy buddy over there and he has told me pretty much the same stuff. Have you wrecked dive before? The Yukon is right in San Diego you should try and dive it while you are over here. Yay for the Bahamas!! Remember take lots of pics lol you will have to tell me all about it

ScubaEm - 6/20/2009 12:50 AM
No prob. Noooo I want tooooo!!! Have you?? What is diving like on the East Coast?
ScubaEm - 6/18/2009 1:00 PM
 Kelp diving is awesome!! I have never been to La Jolla, but Monterey has lots of kelp. I have had some of my best dives in kelp. There are always tons of fish, crabs, seals, sea lions around it so its a great!! The tricky part is not diving under it, but doing surface swims on top. Sooo you have to do the Kelp crawl, its not too bad just face it and crawl through it if it is really thick. If it is not that thick you can sometimes kick on your back through it, but if you end up getting stuck you can always take your gear off whether your underwater or on top of it and of coursebuddies are, your buddy is always there lol. Oh and from experience!! Make sure that you have some extra air in case you miss navigate or something that way you can just get your heading towards the beach and then dive under it, way better than swimming through it! Let me know if you have anymore questions!! I hope you have a great time!!
VaDiver95 - 6/15/2009 3:02 PM

yep...some of my buddies wanted pics so I went along. I see you guys are by the tombdid you get downstairs and see the hidden tunnels? The airs bad in the tunnels now s I’d avoid going down there.

I work DoD as a civilianI was prior AF and spent a lot of time working the the army. while I was in Iraq the last time I did do some things with the 10th in a round about way. good group of guys.
