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Scuba Diving Sign Language (diver hand signals)
badintexas - 5/22/2009 8:02 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 1

I just joined a sign language class here at the college and while looking online for more resources, I found a neat site for communication while ya’ll are underwater:

Now I’m sure that ya’ll learned these while in class however, use it as a refresher if you want to.

I’m not a diver (I know, I know - but I can be on DB.. I’m Greg’s wife!) but IF/WHEN I do get certified, it will make me feel better knowing that my buddy and I can understand each other above and below the water.

If you have any other sites that you like that may help out new divers or more experienced ones, post them here!

Take care!
Teague - 1/13/2010 11:53 AM
There is a iPhone or iPod touch app with 160 international scuba hand signs, which could help.

Right now a booklet with this dive signals exists, but only in german. English edition is in progress :).

More details at
