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USS Oriskany
bigdave - 4/18/2009 6:52 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

Trying to get 6 divers together to dive the USS Oriskany with, sometime late spring , early summer, on a saturday. Its a six pack boat, only six divers, and its a 3 tank dive.
SeaGoat - 4/19/2009 3:31 AM
I’ve done it before, live close and will do it again if you need help rounding out your group.
bigdave - 4/19/2009 7:23 AM
Great, hoping to get a group together for may 30 or june 6. If they have a avaible charter, will know for sure once i get 4 more divers. I am flexable on my days, can dive most saturdays and sundays.