Buddy for Guam over Christmas and Okinawa over New Year’s
webbinator - 12/06/2008 2:06 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 1

I am heading to Guam this Christmas and arrive Christmas day at 0205. I want to dive the whole time. I leave 31 DEC 08 and spend the night in Tokyo. From there I go to Okinawa until the 4th of January 09 when I fly back to Tokyo and back to Arizona.

Anyone want to dive with me?

You can call my cell phone if you want to.


Nesher - 12/08/2008 9:50 PM


Wow!! How I would love to take this trip with you. However, I’m landlocked until Jan 09.

Hey listen, you have a good time all the same and enjoy Guam.

Dive Safe