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Ginnie, Blue Grotto, Devils Den, North FL area
DeepSeaExplorer - 6/28/2023 9:25 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

I live 15 minutes from Ginnie springs and available to dive, when not traveling. Also, available for occasional trip south to Blue Heron Bridge, Lauderdale by the Sea, etc. I have a lot of experience an a variety of dive environments.
Beate - 7/09/2023 4:37 PM
Hi, I was trying to find a dive Buddy to do a couple of Springs while I’m in Florida for work. I am new to diving, certs in Belize in January this year. OW,Nitrox,Boyancy.
I am doing 4 dives tomorrow in largo and I was hopping on my way upstate, I can catch a few more dives to catch some bubbles.
If you are not thrown off by a newbie I would love to see if we can buddy up.
Please let me know..thx
DeepSeaExplorer - 7/09/2023 5:17 PM
Just fyi… I’m a Divemaster that occasionally helps with classes, so I have no issue diving with newbies or giving someone a guided dive introduction to spring diving. No charge of course, just doing it for fun.