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Blue heron Bridge, Devil’s Den or Crystal River on 11/12-14
Egon - 10/28/2021 3:23 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

Visiting Orlando area from Atlanta 11/12-14 and looking to dive in the mornings. Flexible which dive sites around Orlando.
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/29/2021 10:37 AM
Well you can do Devils Den or Crystal River in the morning, neither are time sensitive.
But BHB should only be done at slack high tide if you want to see anything and not have to fight the current. The other issue is weekends are busy, during the week is better :)
dnaber - 11/02/2021 12:22 PM
I maybe available on those dates. I would prefer the Friday as Devils Den can get busy on the weekends.