Kami - 7/25/2008 11:01 PM
I just starting diving also and have been doing some research on local dive sites too. This is what I found for Texas diving. Closer to you is Aqua areana springs, you can look it up online, you have to take a one day class to dive there but I hear it is well worth it. There is Windy Point on Lake Travis, some limited viz diving on Canyon Lake in the hill country, way far out in west tx is Bal Morhea (sp?) which is part of the State Parks system and can be found on their site. It is supposedly small but very clear. Those are sites that I have only discussed and read about. In huntsville (about 70mi N. of Houston) is Blue Lagoon. Blue Lagoon has advantages and disadvantages. It is pretty secluded which is a pro in that it is pretty quiet and is a nice place for camping. There is not a place to get food or water unless you leave the Lagoon and make about a 10 min drive to the store, no showers or running water facilities are available. There are motels in the nearby town though. Blue Lagoon has no fish but is clean and very pretty. They are on the web. In the Houston area are 2 other dive parks, Twin Lakes which in my opinion is a waste of time (low, low viz and not much to look at on the surface either) and Mammoth Lake. I havent been to Mammoth Lake, it is brand new and is a man made scuba park. There are pics on the web taken as they filled the lake and you can see all of the interesting things that are now under water to play on. This park has a dive shop and other near by ammenities. From Galveston there are boat trips to the Flower Gardens and there are some wreck dives and limited shore diving from Padre Island.
Thats the word on TX diving that I have gotten so far, hope it gets you started.