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dive buddy to kayak dive lobos, CA.
monkeyboy - 8/18/2019 8:52 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 1

Still looking for a dive buddy to kayak dive point lobos, I have two kayaks and floats for gear, just need a buddy. Would like to start out by exploring coal chute cavern and granite point wall area. Then bluefish cove. Please contact me if you are interested, I dive lobos about once a month, happy diving, Ron.
sawookie1213 - 11/01/2019 12:30 PM
Hey Ron, saw your posts on a few spots. I am coming down this weekend (as the plan is now) and want to dive Sunday. Are you interested at all? I am certified to master diver with other certs, namely enriched air and deep. Let me know, would love to explore more around there.