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BSAC Rejects Annual Cylinder Inspections
Scott_R - 11/29/2018 11:33 AM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Did anyone see the news that BSAC successfully lobbied against an annual visual inspection requirement like we have in the USA?
The only requirement now is a visual inspection every 5 years that can be done with the hydro. Do you think something like that should be implemented in the USA?
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/30/2018 7:02 AM
From Eric_R: Dive shops can still write their own rules

Ditto, I’ve tried to get fills at dive shops who won’t unless it’s a VIP Plus or they didn’t like the sticker from my LDS or tried to say the date runs out at the 1st of the month and not the end of the month yet have overfilled my pony because they didn’t read the pressure :(

And I’ve seen tanks in 3rd world dive shops with no indication they were ever serviced :(