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Gopro 6 underwater settings help
diverlayne - 2/21/2018 11:39 AM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Just purchased a Gopro 6, and diving Rotan, and Cozumel next week without time to try out first.

Looking for any suggestions on which video setting/FPS that may work best in these diving areas.
Eric_R - 2/21/2018 12:26 PM
This will give you something to at least get familiar with it.
Eric_R - 2/21/2018 12:31 PM
I shoot wide, low light but you should have better viz than I ever do so you may be able to go to to the linear. Don’t shoot 2.7 or 4k unless you have the ability process it. 1080 should be fine.
diverlayne - 2/22/2018 5:58 AM
Thanks! I have watched some youtube videos but it seemed everyone settings were way different.
I’ll watch the link you included, thanks for responding!!