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anyone interested in Carving a pumpkin at Dutch Springs underwater
DJJR15 - 10/06/2017 10:40 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 1

I am looking for a dive buddy to carve pumpkins at Dutch Springs in Bethlehem. There two category pre drawn and free hand. Pumpkins will need to be clean inside but not carve. There might be many people but they ask you to have a certified dive buddy. Anyone interested please let me know. More information online at Dutch Spring, this will be for tomorrow October 7, 2017. Please let me know, I know it’s last minute but worth a try.
Eric_R - 10/08/2017 6:52 AM
Our dive club switched to underwater watermelon carving during the summer. It’s tough to get people to dive when the water and the air are both cold.