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Eastern NC & SC inland diving?
JonnieU - 8/09/2017 7:11 AM
Category: General
Replies: 2

I’m looking for interesting locations along the east coast area of NC & SC to do some shore diving. Doesn’t have to be the ocean. Doesn’t have to be deep. preferably someplace I wouldn’t need a guide. I’ll be travelling south on I-95 most the time. Suggestions please.
( seems outdated)
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/09/2017 2:49 PM
I think everything that’s on is on our Scuba Earth, I’ve actually compared the list in the past and added a few to Shore Diving.

There are a few beach entries in NC, I was supposed to have been there this past weekend but the dive boat gave away our seats to another club :( While there I wanted to try Radio Island which is a beach entry. It’s too far off I-95 to swing by on the way south to Florida or something so it will need to wait until I’m in the area again.

A search of the forum will bring up a local who post dive reports and video of Radio Island.