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RI Fort Wetherill / NJ Freshwater / NJ Shore - Saturday 6/25
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 6/22/2016 1:34 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 12

Yeah I know - broad spectrum for diving...
But thinking Saturday would be a good day for a dive - viz is not guaranteed except for RV.

HT is about noon on Saturday for both RI and NJ.

RI - Fort Wetherill is a good dive site - 4 hour drive - 2 tank dive
NJ - Round Valley - go look for the underwater town - 1 hour drive - opens at 8am
NJ - Shore Maclearie Park for fluke - 1 hour drive - could bring 2 tanks

Any thoughts?
SaltyBones - 6/22/2016 2:28 PM
I can do Round Valley on Sunday @ 8am....Let me know if anyone can squeeze in Sunday morning.
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/22/2016 8:43 PM
I can’t do it this weekend, we have a contractor coming Monday and I have stuff to do before they arrive.

I’ve been thinking about a road trip to Fort Wetherill, the RV seats 6, gear storage below and a hot shower :)
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 6/22/2016 9:00 PM
That RV sounds mighty inviting... :-)

Looking for Sat first - 8am might be too early for me on Sunday - I have to pickup my son at the airport late on Saturday...
SaltyBones - 6/23/2016 12:12 AM
I might be able to rotate my schedule around for Saturday morning at Round Valley...I will keep you posted.
SaltyBones - 6/23/2016 8:10 AM
I am able to do Saturday morning for Round Valley.
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 6/23/2016 9:09 AM
Round Valley at 8am on Sat? You need to bring your OW cert - anyone will do, a license and I think it is $10 for NJ resident - $20 for out of state and you need to check in / check out at the ranger station (right before you enter the park is the ranger station).

Do you have a preference of just putting around or do you want to go find the sunken town? Not much deeper than 25 or 30 feet but it is a hike to get there - usually walk in the water to help with the weight of the gear...

Bring 2 tanks or 1? The first dive if we go find the town may wear you out - if not I might be game for a second tank dive...
SaltyBones - 6/23/2016 10:09 AM
8am on Saturday is good ... I will be bringing 2 tanks. I can bring a heavy duty cart that can carry a lot of gear as long as there is a level surface (sandy surface is not good) to the entry point. Let me know if I should bring it.
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 6/23/2016 10:22 AM
Dont bother with the cart for me. I generally get dressed at my truck and walk down to the water. Some folks bring their gear to the water and get geared up at the water but it is all personal preference.
m_grieco - 6/23/2016 9:01 PM
Can’t do Saturday (I work). Thought it was Sunday? And I’m in when we head north to RI, the RV sounds amazing.
BeekeeperGreg - 6/24/2016 12:32 PM
I will drag my boat up to RI, dive all day—even go tankless.
DiverfromBaskingRidge - 6/24/2016 1:47 PM
Ewww cant get that image out of my mind....

Oh wait tankless - never mind :-)
SaltyBones - 6/24/2016 3:09 PM