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Sidemount Cave buddies for North Central FL
SantaFeSandy - 11/16/2015 8:02 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 10

Always looking for more cave buddies who also dive sidemount, like myself. If you live around the springs, as I do, or are planning on visiting, and are full cave, then let’s talk. :-)

I’m also a photographer, so you can see some of my work, and the lovely springs, here:

My personal website is
tstormdiver - 11/16/2015 8:47 PM
Hopefully next time we will be able to get together (even though I’m not side mount :) )....
Eric_R - 11/17/2015 6:58 AM
I’m not a cave diver but want to know if there’s a huge difference in what a diver can do with side mount vs not.
imbuoyant - 11/17/2015 8:47 AM
Hi Sandy. I’m not cave certified either but really want to go springs diving sometime soon. I live 200 miles away, in south FL so I’d have to plan for a weekend or something. If you get something together or if you go often, is there I chance I could just "scuba around" with you all?

My name is Jolene (imbuoyant)
SantaFeSandy - 11/17/2015 9:57 AM
Eric, I would say that from what I have learned as a sidemount diver is that the main difference, besides having double the gas supply with you and the convenience of that, is that you are self-sufficient with 2 separate life support systems.

Additionally, in tight spots like bedding planes or small passageways, one can either belly out, or push a cylinder in front to themselves, to gain access easily.

Also, there is a lot of range of motion for the diver’s head without having any tanks behind them. As a photographer, this is very nice.

Other perks would be that for those of us who are aging, or have prior injuries that they have sustained over an active, sports related lifestyle, tanks on each side alleviate pressure points on the spinal column.

Unlike walking down to a site with doubles on their back, sidemount cylinders are easy on a diver to carry via a cylinder strap, or by using a dolly.

Plus, say that you finally wanted to explore the inner chambers of the mansion of the cave system that you had been spending all your time at the front door...well, to be properly rigged for your training to enter, would get you there that much faster. :-)
SantaFeSandy - 11/17/2015 9:59 AM
Hi Jolene, of course. I typically dive one or two times a week, but only on weekdays, as I work weekends. I’m typically diving full cave, but there are exceptions.
caves4me - 11/26/2015 7:04 AM
Congratulations Sandy for recently achieving NSS-CDS Full Cave Diver status ! Lamar is an awesome instructor!
SantaFeSandy - 11/27/2015 9:16 AM
Thank you Barry! Yes, Lamar is an awesome instructor, now, when would you like to go diving together? I have lots to learn at Ginnie, and have an annual pass, so I’m always game for their, especially if time is of the essence. Otherwise, lots of other sites are good too.
caves4me - 11/27/2015 10:16 PM
Hi Sandy! Currently I’m surveying an unexplored section of cave at Vortex Springs, hopefully I’ll be at Ginnie sometime in January, I’ll keep you posted.
SantaFeSandy - 11/28/2015 8:01 AM
Thanks Barry. I just ordered some cave survey tools myself, and Guy will be teaching me some of the basics of cave survey in the months to come. :-) Remember, any other site is fine too, i.e., Peacock, Little River, Madison, and or Cow, once I join. New sites that I don’t know about yet, that are within a hundred miles or so, are also good.
caves4me - 11/29/2015 5:08 AM
You’ll have fun learning cave surveying Sandy, it takes a lot of time and dedication, lots of time!