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St. Johns River Jacksonville FL
topherwarden - 6/03/2015 6:00 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

I am looking for a buddy and/or some information about the Dive in Jacksonville Fl. I see there is a dive spot on Scuba Earth and would love to Dive it but I am wonder what to expect. I have a boat and would be coming from Savannah Ga. I love to site see or spearfish if its possible in the St. Johns River or surrounding area.
I would not be able to take my boat offshore but if anyone has room I would be willing to split gas. Thanks in advanced!

LatitudeAdjustment - 6/03/2015 6:57 AM
Did you PM the diver who added the dive site? His description of the site sounds about right, bad viz and current. My daughter used to live near there and as many times as I’ve crossed the St. John and again on Friday I’ve never even thought about diving it. I used a dive shop in Palatka years ago and they never mentioned diving it.

Last year I talked to a shop in St. Augustine and they didn’t dive local either, they head down to WPB/Jupiter to dive. That’s my 1st choice too :)

If you like bad viz and current I heard some divers found what they think is a civil war wreck in a river south of Savannah that can only be dove during a very short slack tide.
topherwarden - 6/03/2015 7:41 AM
I did PM him, the last he logged on was in 2008. I am not fond of bad viz but I am always giving something a chance. It is sad to know I have all this water around me but the water is no clean. I was hoping by posting this someone else might know a better place to go in the area but if the locals do not dive it then that obviously is my answer. WPB is a pretty place, I rode 6 hours to get a 2 tank dive which is not bad, but the more dives I could get in would be nice.

cmc1990 - 6/08/2015 3:32 PM
Hey man I am trying to get somebody or a group to go with me spear fishing with South Georgia Dive Charters. They charge $150 a diver and are available any weekend.
topherwarden - 6/08/2015 4:00 PM
I woulnt be able to do it now because im saving for a trip in a month for Roatan, Honduras. But I may have a buddy that might want to. I went out with South Georgia Dive Charters about 2 months ago, great time!