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Into the Lion’s Mouth: The Story of the Wildrake Diving Accident is now an ebook
MichaelSmart - 12/01/2013 1:49 PM
Category: General
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For those of you who read books on electronic devices, Into the Lion’s Mouth is now an ebook. It can be downloaded in either Kindle File Format, or the ePub File Format for most eReaders. Just visit the or Facebook Page:

Winner of the 2013 UK Historical Diving Society Dr. Art Bachrach Literary Award, Into the Lion’s Mouth is the true story of the most notorious "lost bell" diving accident in North Sea history.

It covers Richard Walker and Skip Guiel’s entry into the little-known world of saturation diving, how they came to be trapped on the bottom of the sea, the dramatic rescue bid to save their lives, why it failed,
and the nearly decade-long struggle by the relatives to achieve justice for their deaths.

Written by former deep-sea diver Michael Smart, this book is the culmination of eight years of research to solve the haunting mystery behind the dual fatality and the discovery that it was not a "pure" accident, but that a cascade of failures and criminal negligence were responsible for one of the most awful scenarios ever imagined.

Print copies also available.