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St. Augustine Florida - Cresent Beach shore dives
lerpy - 3/07/2013 8:41 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 6

Anyone know of any decent shore dives in the St Augustine beach, Cresent beach area or within say half and hour drive? I am looking for any suggestions and anyone that might be up for a dive.
ScubaDreaminn - 3/11/2013 10:44 AM
There aren’t any dives off the shore in those areas that I have heard about, you typically have to go about one hour out by charter boat to get to any diving (wrecks and artificial reefs). The viz isn’t that great (around 30-40 when good), but large schools of great for spearfishing. If you need a recommendation for a charter let me know.
lerpy - 3/11/2013 12:46 PM
Hey there, if you can recommend a charter that would be great, I can take a look into possibly doing one. As well any suggestions for good springs to go to with an OW diver. I just did my cavern course up in High Springs, totaly loved it up there, went to Ginnie and it looks like a good place to take an OW person, just looking for other lower cost options. I see a lot of stuff is browned out due to flooding. I have an OW (well rescue level) buddy coming for a visit last week in March.

Thanks again for all your help and information. The info you guys provided me has been very helpfull while I have been down here.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/12/2013 4:59 AM
"There aren’t any dives off the shore in those areas that I have heard about"

I know a couple of divers who live in St. Augustine and the only place they shore dive in Florida is Blue Heron Bridge which is about four hours away, sorry :(
ScubaDreaminn - 3/13/2013 11:30 AM
We are scheduled to go out on Saturday March 30 off Jacksonville for a Lobster hunt. It is the end of the season so we make one more run out. The lobsters off Jax seem to be a tad larger than those elsewhere, we have found. The dives are deep so have to be Advanced and Nitrox, but we have a lot of fun. Here is a link to information on it:

Otherwise, you can contact Capt Dan at Offshore Dive Charters (904) 463-3236 if you want to check out any other options with him. Since most sites are a bit of a ways offshore and his boat is big, he does have minimum diver needs and the cost are higher than South Florida. Starting at around $100 for 2 tanks.

I haven’t checked into the Springs situation, but yes right now they are having brown out issues due to the flooding, so not sure when they will open back up and what is closed right now. My two favorite Spring sites are Orange Grove and Catfish at Manatee....they are both caverns, but OW divers can dive there as well :) Also, they are State Parks so the cost is minimal - $6.00/car :)

Glad we were able to assist you in your travels :)

Sheaya - 3/21/2013 10:05 PM
I’m interested in making some dives lerpy Message me if you’d like to plan something! And scubadreamin I’m only two hours from Jacksonville and would love to come down and dive with you guys but I’m only OW as of now so let me know if you make any trips that’d I’d be able to join in on!
ScubaDreaminn - 3/25/2013 1:08 PM

I saw your other post and have been meaning to send you a message since you indicated wanting to dive, dive, dive in Florida :) Would love to have you join our Bubbles Up dive group as we plan trips all the time for different levels. Additionally, you can "suggest" meetings and we will post up to assist you in finding dive buddies. The best thing you can do to obtain your goals is to dive as much as possible and try new types of diving. If you have any questions just let us know. Look forward to diving with you :)