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We will be in Xcaret Mexico Jan 18-30, 2013 doing cenote and wreck diving.
scubasteve2012 - 12/23/2012 11:05 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

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Smithsgold - 12/28/2012 10:51 PM
Enjoy !!!
krimney - 1/06/2013 10:51 PM
I’ll be staying at Viva May(few miles from Xcaret?) from the 18-27 and will be into some diving. was planning on using onsite DO but am open to options. Want to do the cenotes for sure. I won’t have a vehicle but am planning on taking all my gear except tanks/weights.
scubasteve2012 - 1/10/2013 1:09 PM
Would love to team up. The cenotes are great we dove them a few years ago, you can check it out at I sent him an e-mail today and waiting to hear back Its possible they can do pick-up as the cenotes are south of Playa Del Carmen. Let me know what your plans are, maybe we can do a local dive before then. Steve