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Ladies Waterproof Taurus 7MM Semi-Dry Westsuit - Size M - $250
CindyGullo - 6/06/2012 11:52 AM
Category: For Sale
Replies: 2

Excellent condition - worn 5 times. Purchased new for $750. No longer need.
Taurus Semidry Features

Combine a snug fit with a Drysuit zipper and stunning design and you end up with a high-class semidry. Features include an anatomical design, super stretch neoprene seals, inner plush lining and unique 3-Dimentional hard-core rubber Knee Guards to mention just a few. The Taurus bridges the gap between a Drysuit and a Wetsuit. Dry enough to keep the Diver warm in colder water, thus still with the snug fit and nice feeling of a high-class wetsuit. Facilitates longer dives in warmer environment and lower air consumption due to less heat loss.

  • 7mm overall with separate hood (included).
  • Colors: lycra with blue, black, and grey panels.
  • DUPONT Neoprene.
  • Microcell Neoprene.
  • Dynat gas proof zipper horizontally cross the shoulders.
  • Double thread stitch and all ends knotted together.
  • Prebent arms and legs for maximum anatomical fit.
  • No seam in the crotch area.
  • No restraining seam guidance at arms and legs.
  • No four seams meet one another as cross (no 90°angle).
  • The wrist- and ankle seals have round-cut endings, which are additionally protected by fabric tape.
  • Vulcanised 3-D hard-core kneepads.
  • 2 years warranty.
  • Front neck zipper, provided with under layer of neoprene.
  • Inside neck there is smooth skin.
  • Inside lining of Nylon plush.
  • Harmonica stretch neoprene panels in hollow of knees and arms.
  • Generous double seals made from Microcell stretch neoprene with zipper at arms and legs.
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Katya - 7/11/2012 10:59 AM
Hi Cindy,do you still have the suit? And how did you like it? I am shopping for either Taurus OR Taurus Combat. Not too big fan of colors on Taurus,but not a fan of those pockets on Combat neither,lo,but will buy one of them for surel. I guess as women are always unhappy with something,lol...

But anyway,please let me know abt your experiences with the suit (it’s going to be my first semi dry) and also,not sure if you would mind,your measurements. I am torned in between S and M size,although leaning more towards the M,so yes,your add came in at perfect time. Well,maybe too late for me?


Katya - 7/15/2012 3:28 PM
Cindy,did you get my mssg? I am STILL interested in the suit,that’s if you still have it. Either way,plese let me know.Thanks. Katya