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Diving in Jupiter Florida
scubadmike - 4/17/2012 1:45 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

Looking for a dive buddy 4/30/12 {Monday }

Jupiter Dive Center . Morning boat . Cost $65 .00 + tanks . Great charter ................

E-Mail me if interested so we can add more divers ...........
adimitris - 4/18/2012 7:23 AM
You can join me on Thursday April 19 instead. I will be doing Tunnels I hope for my birthday b/c I want to see sharks.
scubadmike - 4/21/2012 5:54 AM
Did you go diving on Thur. 4/19 ?? I love diving the Tunnels . 1 of the best reefs around ..