Some regulators such as the the Sherwood Oasis are designed to keep your mouth a bit more moist. Dry mouth is a common dive annoyance that not just restricted to nitrox divers. I`m not a nitrox diver but have had dry mouth in the past on rental equipment. I own an Oasis and so far I`ve been happily avoiding the problem since the purchase of my own gear.
Vikas - 12/13/2007 10:21 AM
Thanks for the advice guys , I already have the MK25/S600 will not the moisture from Apollo damage the parts inside the 1st stage If so i will stick with the candy and start saving money for a re-breather.
I have the same problem when we dive Bonaire (average 6-7 dives a day). I dive NITROX 32 on all but deep dives while we are there. I bought a Bio-Filter and it helps a lot. It attaches to the first stage and is small but you have to rercharge it with fresh water after a couple of dives, it`s fast and easy though.
It also depends on where you are and how comfortable you are and the conditions you are in. You can just sip a little water in past your reg mouthpiece to get rid of the dry mouth. That may help but always be cautious when trying that. In the springs in FL I`ll take my regs out a drink the water sometimes, but it is very clean water.
Well I dive Quite a bit of NiTrox and dont have much of a problem with it. But I am diving with a Sherwood Oasis second stage, it is built with moisture retention bars. Now as far as a quick fix with no gear added,,,hmmm diving with hard candy in your mouth could be quite dangerous so I guess I cannot help there. Good Luck My Friend! Damieon
you could try taking a couple capri sun juice packages. we have ben using them for years, especially when its hot out. the packages stay sealed till you open them. they are pretty easy to use. only downside is you need to drink the whole package once you open it but they are small.