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Diving in Guadeloupe (Dec 17-22)
Antine - 11/11/2011 7:27 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 1

I will be in Guadeloupe from Dec 17 to 22. I’m looking for buddies to go dive or any recommandation of a good dive center, dive sites you may have. I’m still flexible of where to go and where to dive, so please, feel inspired on any tips you’d like to share !!! and let me know if you’ll be around
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/22/2011 7:57 AM


 There is diving on the islands around Guadeloupe but I have never seen anything about diving there, good bad or otherwise except pack your CMAS card because they are French and they never have tourist booths at the dive shows.

 On "dive sites" two DiveBuddy’s say they have been there but didn’t leave any remarks. You might want to message them.

 Be sure to post a trip report when you get back, it may be the only one out there!