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Winter Diving
MDW - 1/20/2011 9:16 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 55

What kind of diving do you do over the winter months?

Do you use the ice and snow as an excuse to head toward the equator? Islands, Mexico, Belize, etc.?

Are you hardcore and dive locally anyway? Under the ice? Cold ocean waters? Power plant cooling pond (heated)?

Do you head underground where the temperature never changes? FL caves? Bonne Terre Mine?

Do you stick to instructing or assisting with pool sessions? Just practice in a pool?

Do you take a break from diving until the spring thaw?
Pixel - 3/31/2015 1:51 PM
[Choose #2] there should be an "other" option. In Cape Town you can pretty dive year round. you just switch from one ocean to the other. ;)
Precious_Cargo_Diving - 4/13/2011 5:17 PM
[Choose #1] Or the Florida Springs or into the pool with my students...
LONGTAILBDA - 3/04/2011 8:00 PM
[Choose #2] anytype anywhere
123654J - 3/02/2011 9:05 PM
[Choose #1] I also Dry Suit dive
DiveNClimb - 2/11/2011 5:23 AM
[Choose #5] only because of the finances
steelheadfish - 2/08/2011 3:42 PM
[Choose #2] winter is awsome i back off during the summer
tazzer9797 - 2/07/2011 7:22 PM
[Choose #2] I dive 365 days a year. Living in a cold climate I had to learn to Ice Dive and I love it. Nothing wrong with a couple weeks in oh say Roatan in the cold months eitther
tshark - 2/03/2011 2:32 PM
[Choose #2] It never gets too cold to dive in florida!!!!
SaintsReturn - 2/01/2011 10:58 AM
[Choose #3] mostly stick to the springs and caverns, same temp all year with less dive traffic
Laura - 1/29/2011 4:39 PM
[Choose #1] The hardest thing about winter diving here in Hawai’i is finding a spot with flat surf
JimmyW - 1/29/2011 9:48 AM
[Choose #2] 3mm or Dry Suit. All year, temp does not matter.
daz88 - 1/27/2011 9:22 AM
[Choose #1] I live in NorCal, the water temp doesn’t change too much between summer & winter, so dive all year. But always a good time for a warm water vacation. ;)
AOW_dude - 1/22/2011 11:54 PM
[Choose #5] Bite me. There are bears in PA (hey, I saw ’em) and it’s just natural for them to hibernate for a little bit, nothing wrong with that.
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/21/2011 2:06 PM
[Choose #1] Migrate to FL or farther for my nitrogen fix
RAWalker - 1/21/2011 2:38 AM
[Choose #1] Local although cold at 50F isn’t ice. Lake PLeasant AZ is at it’s best this time of year.
Granitehawk - 1/20/2011 4:43 PM
[Choose #2] Also a lot pool time ( scuba experinces for schools) anything to get wet